- Chain of Title
- Curative Title
- Management of all Title Documents
- Project Management of Title Efforts
- Surface Title
- Title File Review/Accuracy and Data Entry
- Title Support for Eminent Domain

Gray Hawk Land Solutions manages your title needs in the most efficient & industry leading manner available today. By taking advantage of our state-of-the-art project management database, Irth Solutions, and leveraging online resources we are able to provide incredible value and save our clients a substantial amount of their capital budget by eliminating the need in most cases for per diem and mileage allowances to remote field agents.
Occasionally when online resources are not available, Gray Hawk implements a strategy to hire local title agents which provides local knowledge & familiarity to projects. By doing so, we continue to be able to offer capital budget savings to our clients by eliminating the need for per diem and mileage allowances. All final title packages are reviewed in our corporate office in Greenwood Village, Colorado by the head of our corporate title and her staff by utilizing the Irth Solutions platform. This centralized strategy allows us to provide accurate and high-quality title work on all our project deliverables by following a consistent quality control program that is implemented from the top down in our organization.
By being early adopters of artificial intelligence technology in our industry, Gray Hawk Land Solutions has learned from experience how to leverage technology, proprietary modeling & algorithms, online resources, specialized software & data scientists to get a jump start on all our client’s projects. We learned a long time ago that projects' In-Service dates rarely change but the rest of the timelines always seemed to be shortened or altered to accommodate them. Being able to take advantage of our unique skill sets allows us to get started quicker, get more done and get ahead of project milestone dates and timelines from the outset. By not losing valuable time at the beginning, we are able to meet our client’s timelines and dates at the end.
Our Title Agents are the best in the industry, we strive to offer knowledgeable, experienced, and professional title agents to all of our clients. What makes our methodology different is that we implement our proprietary artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing capabilities to the process that no other right-of-way firm is capable of. Why pay for people to extract data, enter data, classify data, or extract and plot legal descriptions when our A.I. can do it at a fraction of the cost? Our title agents are left to do what they are experts at, which is verifying the actual chain of title. We are confident that we can execute any title project at a significantly less cost, all while increasing the accuracy of the work by eliminating human error.
We are changing the way the industry operates: it has been too antiquated for too long. We are also changing the way clients are billed for title services. We are able to offer pricing based off of actual data extraction points per document so that you’re not paying for services that you don’t need. Remember, a human has to read entire documents to extract the data that’s relevant. Our A.I. and machine learning process reads those same documents and extracts the same data only thousands of times quicker and more accurately. If a human title agent takes 1 hour to extract the data, our process takes seconds and moves on to the next. The savings of doing title our way is obvious. Please let us show you a demonstration of our capabilities.
We offer agile services, better pricing, strategic partnerships, and the convenience of artificial intelligence data extraction. Our main goal is to provide the best overall service to our clients. Let’s discuss how we can best help your company achieve its goals.